Text and model:   Joël Aboua, Marie Clabots, Stéphanie Freidberg, Grégory Hullaert, Elodie Jacquet, Stevie Leunen, Fréderic Maes, Muriel Piret, Grégory Popleu, Yannick Renard, Lydia Sauvenière, Antoine van Ruymbeke, Jennifer Vercauteren, Marie-Caroline Vreuls
English translation:   Stéphanie Freidberg-Strauss
Dutch translation:   Patricia Lampens
Spanish translation:   Françoise Huberland
Organization and supervision:   Fabrice Lacroix
Thanks:   The Royal Observatory of Belgium, especially its director Paul Paquet, for his help and his amiable collaboration

Fred ESPENAK of NASA/goddard Space Center for his amiable authorization

The Brico of Waterloo for its supplies of material

Madam Baudhuin director of the Lycee of Berlaymont for her co-operation

Webmaster:   Antoine van Ruymbeke

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Webmaster: Antoine van Ruymbeke Last modifications: 3 July'99

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