
The consequences for the atmosphere

During the passage of the Moon's shadow there will be many protuberances concerning the balance of the atmosphere and the cooling of the air column. The modification of the balance of the atmosphere can be translated through direct effects that prolong themselves in time and in space. For the eclipse the shadow's speed is supersonic, which means faster then the transmission of a sonorous wave in the atmosphere. The Moon's shadow will travel across the Earth's surface at 2000km/h while sound's speed is 1000km/h. This phenomenon has resemblance to the one observed during a boat's wake ("v" formed) that is moving at a faster speed then the waves of the water. It is possible to establish eventual correlation between the variations of the luminary intensity and certain effects : variations of pressure, of temperature , of humidity, of pluviometer, of gravity,... Many observation techniques have been established by a scientific group of the "Observatoire Royal de Belgique" (Royal Observatory of Belgium) who will divide up, in the totality zone of the next 11th of August eclipse, almost 100 stations that contain very precise measuring machines. All these measurements will be done by barometer, gravimeter (for gravity) , luminary, temperature and humidity captors,...

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